What I love about homeschooling

I love being with my girls plain and simple! I love hearing their thoughts and witnessing their "AHA!" moments and knowing I was a part of it.

Being able to control their exposure to inappropriate influences. Children need to be given the opportunity to stay children and not be pushed into an adult world long before they're ready. Click HERE to read more.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

newspaper hut

Today we decided to make a newspaper hut.

rollin', rollin', rollin' (keep those kids a'rollin')

Fluffy Puppy feeding the baby spider while he hangs in his playpen.

Fluffy Puppy teaching Squirrel a new chord. If you'd like directions for making this hut, click HERE.


L.A. Mama said...

oooh VERY cool and also a great way to reuse and recycle newspaper! This is also an awesome lesson in Architecture and Geometry!

Bubbe/Mom said...

Well, I'm a Mama too and I think this is a great project! The girls learned about spacial concepts as well as angles of geometry and the architecture of a structure.

Hooray for the homeschool teacher! For the girls, job well done.
