What I love about homeschooling

I love being with my girls plain and simple! I love hearing their thoughts and witnessing their "AHA!" moments and knowing I was a part of it.

Being able to control their exposure to inappropriate influences. Children need to be given the opportunity to stay children and not be pushed into an adult world long before they're ready. Click HERE to read more.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Farmer in the Dell

The girls helped my Mom harvest some fruits this weekend.

Squirrel snips a watermelon.

The watermelon posing with Squirrel. :)

Fluffy Puppy finds a watermelon.

Proud of her harvest.

Anyone up for fried green tomatoes?

or eggplant parmesan?

eney meany miny moe.
all of you have got to go.

Posing with their harvest.

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