What I love about homeschooling

I love being with my girls plain and simple! I love hearing their thoughts and witnessing their "AHA!" moments and knowing I was a part of it.

Being able to control their exposure to inappropriate influences. Children need to be given the opportunity to stay children and not be pushed into an adult world long before they're ready. Click HERE to read more.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Flowers, water and food dye, oh no......

After four days of our baby's breath not turning colors, we decided to scrap the experiment and do it again at a later date using a different white flower. On the second day of the experiment, I re-cut the flowers under cold water to see if I could stimulate anything but it didn't work. The flowers should have turned the color of the colored water they were sitting in so, technically, Squirrels hypothesis should have been correct.


L.A. Mama said...

Celery works well for this experiment :)

Was the baby's breath dried? I wonder if that has anything to do with it if it was...

RoFayah said...

Hey L.A. Mama!

Fluffy Puppy had already done the celery experiment and although this was for Squirrel, I wanted to do something different to peek both girls interests.

I don't know why it didn't work. I got the baby's breath fresh from the store.

Thanks for the comment!
Mama Llama